Clock for Christmas is a custom built OpenGL live wallpaper, with 100% unique graphics!
This Live Wallpaper will not drain your battery.
1. Open the Live Wallpaper
2. Tap the “Set live wallpaper” button
3. Tap the “Set wallpaper” button to apply or tap the “Settings” button to customize your Live Wallpaper
We are ready for Christmas,are you? We bring a wonderful Live Wallpaper Clock with beautiful decorated trees and amazing colors. DOWNLOAD NOW Clock for Christmas and have fun.
* LOW BATTERYOpenGL Technology!
Custom built and native coded, this live wallpaper is optimized for very low battery usage! Created using OpenGLES, you will get the most fluid, most battery-optimized experience for your phone.
* INTERACTIVETouch the screen!
By touching the screen, you will create a beautiful particle splash. Try swiping left and right to leave behind an awesome trail of particles and waves!
* CUSTOMIZABLEChange the effects!
You can increase the size, speed or density of the elements, as well as select three different color effects and three different color intensities. To customize it, open the app, click on "Set Live Wallpaper" and then click on "Settings"
* HD GRAPHICSUnique design!
The design of this live wallpaper is 100% unique, created by our team of artists. You will not see any similar design in any other live wallpaper!
We have tested this live wallpaper on a multitude of Android phones. If you have any problems using it, please send us an email at and we will assist you right away! We're eager to chat and receive your feedback!
If you like this live wallpaper, make sure you rate and comment! It's the only way to support our continued development of live wallpapers!
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Follow us on Instagram: http:goo.gl5hQCNW
Pin us on Pinterest: http:goo.gl7jssBl
Follow us on Twitter: http:goo.glLLclda